Part 7 – Church Info

If you haven’t already log in to your website and go to the dashboard.

1. Seven options down on the left menu is “Appearance” click on this option.

2 You should now see more options listed under “Appearance” one of them should be “Church Info”, click on this option.

3. You will now see a page full of forms for basic Church Info. Fill out as much of this form as you wish too. For more information on filling out this form see Church Info Form

4. Now that you have filled out the information you want to actually display it on your website. Some themes may already automatically display this information. Other wise go to the “widgets” option and find the three options “Sunday Services”, “Weekly Events” and “Chuch Info” add these options to your sidebar. For more information on adding options to your sidebar see “Part 5 – Sidebars“. For more information on the various options you can choose from once you have added these widgets to your side bar see “Church Info Widgets“.

Now you have you website set up its time to learn how to add and edit pages which will allow you to display information.  See Part 8 – Add and Editing Pages

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