Church Info Widgets


This will display whatever information you entered into the Sunday Services section of the Church Info Menu

SUNDAY SCHOOL – if the “Same Time as Bible Class” option is selected on your form page, this widget will display a single time for Bible Class and Sunday School.

This widget offers five different options


Write whatever title you wish to appear above the information when it is displayed on the website. If nothing is entered “Sunday Services” will be used.


This option lets you decide what order the services are displayed in. Do not confuse this will Display Order which deals with which comes first on a particular line, the time or the service.

– Worship – will display the services in this order – Worship Service, Bible Class, and if applicable Sunday School

– Earliest – will display the services by chronological order, so if ss is at 9:00, bc at 10:00 and worship at 11:00, it will display them in that order, SS, BC, Worship.


This option allows you to choose which will come first on a particular line the time or the name of the service.

– time – the time gets listed first eg 9:30am Sunday School

– service – the Service gets listed first eg Sunday School 9:30am


This allows you to decide which type of HTML element the events will be displayed as, you can type in any valid HTML element.

Do not put them in quotes “”, or ”, and do not put them in brackets <>, simply write out the element you wish eg, li p span etc.

By default “li” is used. Whenever “li” is used the <ul> code is added in its proper place as well.


This allows you to decide what will come between the items. You can type anything you want here. Remember to uses spaces before and after as appropriate as no spaces are automatically entered, eg if you enter “:” the following will display “Sunday Services:9:30am”. Instead enter “: ” to get “Sunday Services: 9:30am”.

Do not enter quotes neither “”, nor ”.


This will display whatever information you enter under the Weekly Events section of the Church Info Menu

EXCEPT any events where the display order is not entered or is “0” (the number not the letter). If you have not entered a display order or have entered it as 0 that event will not be displayed. This is useful in that it allows you to enter certain events, such as Lenten Services, which you only wish to be displayed at certain times of the year. Instead of erasing them you can simply turn them on or off by switching their display order to 0.

This Widget offers three different options.


Write whatever title you wish to appear above the information when it is displayed on the website. If nothing is entered “Sunday Services” will be used.


This allows you to decide which type of HTML element the events will be displayed as, you can type in any valid HTML element.

Do not put them in quotes “”, or ”, and do not put them in brackets <>, simply write out the element you wish eg, li p span etc.

By default “li” is used. Whenever “li” is used the <ul> code is added in its proper place as well.


This allows you to decide what will come between the items. You can type anything you want here. Remember to uses spaces before and after as appropriate as no spaces are automatically entered, eg if you enter “:” the following will display “Sunday Services:9:30am”. Instead enter “: ” to get “Sunday Services: 9:30am”.

Do not enter quotes neither “”, nor ”.


This allows you to display all the information you may have entered under the Church Contact section of the Church Info Menu

It is advised that you fill out the entire form with the exception if you like to leave “country” blank, if you are going to use this widget. This widget will display all the information and if any is missing will leave a blank line in its place. If you are worried about spiders and bots capturing your email address we advice the use of CryptX plugin, which does a superb job of encrypting all email addresses so that they are visible to humans who visit your site but not to spiders, bots and other unwanted visitors.

This widget offers five different options:


Write whatever title you wish to appear above the information when it is displayed on the website. If nothing is entered “Sunday Services” will be used.


This allows you to decide which type of HTML element the events will be displayed as, you can type in any valid HTML element.

Do not put them in quotes “”, or ”, and do not put them in brackets <>, simply write out the element you wish eg, li p span etc.

By default “li” is used. Whenever “li” is used the <ul> code is added in its proper place as well.

3. Grouping

The grouping option decides how to group the various pieces of information. Practically the only difference is whether city, state, zip and country are all on one line grouped together or separate.

– Lines – groups the various pieces of information into appropriate lines – ie city, stat, zip and country are all on the same line

– Individual – separates all information and wraps it all individually

4. Phone Label

Type here any label you wish to appear before the phone number, if nothing is entered, nothing will be displayed.

4. Email Address Label

Type here any label you wish to appear before the email, if nothing is entered, nothing will be displayed.

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